San Francisco, CA


January 22, 2023 - January 25, 2023

Bridget here!! So you know how in the last post of Bakersfield, CA we said next stop was Auckland, New Zealand?! JUST KIDDING! We flew from Bakersfield to San Francisco - were only supposed to have a few hour layover in San Fran - to then fly to Auckland. We ended up spending 3 nights and 4 days in San Fran because flights were full! (We are actually still in San Fran, so we may be spending 4, 5, 6, or 7 nights here) Story of a Standby’s life…

Fortunately for my family, my Dad worked for United Airlines for 39 years. His dedication to United allowed us to see the world in a way that we would most likely never had been able to see it. I am SO appreciative of this perk and do not take it for granted! Not only did my Dad work for United, but my cousin, Jim, also has put in a ton of years and is still working there. Jim has so graciously allowed Ben to be on his buddy list, so that’s how Ben has been able to join me in the Standby craziness! Basically, if all paid customers have gotten on a flight and there are open seats left, Standby’s can get on. For most of my flying life, you start in the morning and usually get to your destination by the end of that day. This trip has been different! There’s one flight a day from San Fran to Auckland and one flight a day from San Fran to Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane. We’ve basically tried all options over the last 3 days and luck has not been in our favor.

Instead of the saying, “Live and Learn”, I like going by “Fly and Learn”. Yes it stinks we haven’t been able to make it to New Zealand yet, but we’ve taken each day and made the most of it. We’ve taken public transportation towards the Fisherman’s Wharf, then hopped on a Cable Car. We visited the Sea Lion’s at Pier 39. We watched the 49ers (more importantly Brock Purdy) destroy the Cowboys with the locals at a local bar. We’ve taken in the Bay’s beautiful views and tasty seafood. We’ve rested at our hotel, taken advantage of their fitness centers, free breakfasts, and free Happy Hours! We’ve walked the Golden Gate Bridge, hung out in the quaint little town of Sausalito, and ferried our way back to Pier 41.

Our patience has been tested a few times and we’ve been mentally drained, but we know this trip is once in a lifetime, so we’re taking each twist and turn and making the absolute most out of it. We hope the next time we blog, we’ll be coming at ya from New Zealand :-D



Next stop…maybe…hopefully…fingers crossed…

Auckland, New Zealand!!


The Flight


Bakersfield, CA